Canyon Road in Spring - Rural Art - Laguna Beach Canyon - Country Art - Landscape Painting for the Home - Art for Sale

"Canyon Road in Spring" | 11' x 14" | Oil on panel
Available at

One of the lessons I repeat often in my painting class is demonstrating how to mix a variety of greens. As a landscape painter I am often confronted with a view that is green stacked on green. Knowing how to mix a variety of greens has enabled me to create a successful painting even when my view isn't very interesting color-wise.

If you use a split palette of warm and cool colors then some of the work is done for you. Keeping the cool paint mixtures for background objects and warm paint mixtures for foreground objects takes some of the guesswork out of the process. In this post I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite paint mixtures for achieving different greens.

Warm greens -

1. Ultramarine Blue + Cad. Yellow = Basic true green

 2. Mars Black + Cad. Yellow = Nice warm olive green

3. Ultramarine Blue + Yellow Ochre = Warm brownish green

Cool greens -

1. Cobalt Blue + Naples Yellow = Cool green
2. Cobalt Blue + Naples Yellow + Cad. Yellow = Slightly warmer but still on the cool side green

3. Cobalt Blue + Naples Yellow + Alizarin Crimson = Not really green, more of a violet but goes well with the other cool greens. It tends to look green when surrounded by other colors

These paint mixtures might seem like a formula but, keep in mind that using different ratios of each color, adding white or adding a third color like a red or orange changes the mixtures further. The trick is knowing what to use and when to use it.


Sergio Lopez said…
i love how you broke down your color palette!