Elemental Encounters - Original Oil Painting of Bodega Bay - California Beach Painting - Coastal Art
"Elemental Encounters" | 12" x 9" | Oil on canvas panel
Available at www.KimVanDerHoek.com
©2013 by Kim VanDerHoek
This is another painting from the Sonoma Plein Air event I did last month. It was my first painting that week and it's from the Bodega Head area. I found the location the year before and liked the spot so much I knew I would return when time allowed.
My plan for painting locations this year included a lot of time at the beach, particularly on the hottest days. The coast is usually 10 degrees cooler which makes the hour drive to get there worth it. Well, that and the amazing coastal views. This spot has nice light in both directions so, if I'm there at dawn I paint looking north-ish and the afternoon facing south-ish has the light you see here. It makes for an ideal painting spot because I don't have to pack up all my painting gear, drive somewhere new, unpack and paint. At this spot I can paint in a lot of directions and really work the entire area.
I look forward to going back to do more exploring and painting.